Fostering City Unity and Comprehensive Planning

TJ seeks to bolster Mayor Matt Miller's efforts in developing Anacortes's infrastructure plan due in 2025. Aiming to bridge the gap between the council, city staff, and the Mayor's office, TJ will serve as a representative for the citizens' voice and will support city staff's expertise. His goal is to facilitate an effective, understandable plan that's backed by the citizens and prioritizes their needs.

Enhancing Community Safety & Infrastructure

Committed to public safety, TJ advocates for an increased staff presence in police and fire departments to address peak-hour calls. He is also committed to improving pavement and sidewalk conditions through his active participation in city council meetings, ensuring every neighborhood's concerns are addressed. TJ emphasizes the importance of equally enforcing all laws, particularly those impacting areas like T Ave, to uphold community safety and integrity.

Preserving Natural Resources & Developing Sustainable Spaces

TJ champions the preservation of Anacortes's parks and forestlands over excessive development. He envisions maintaining distinct spaces, like recreational parks and natural reserves, and ensuring safety measures for boaters in marinas. Additionally, TJ acknowledges the need for replacement community spaces following the loss of the Transit Shed, advocating for shared solutions between the City and Port of Anacortes.

Fostering City-Port Collaboration

Recognizing the common goals of the City and Port of Anacortes, TJ will leverage his relationships with port commissioners and staff, committing to regular meetings to foster a thriving maritime community. He stresses the importance of solid communication for solving long-standing issues such as parking needs and community center provisions.

Nurturing Arts & Culture

As a staunch supporter of the arts, TJ is passionate about growing the Arts community in Anacortes. His efforts toward gaining a state-level Creative District designation reflect his commitment to increasing tourism and securing funding. His leadership in initiatives like Anacortes Community Theater and AKtion Theatre underscores his dedication to enriching the local cultural scene.

Guemes Channel Trail

TJ is committed to prioritizing finishing the Guemes Channel Trail. It’s important that this project is completed for our community but equally important the we do the appropriate enviormental impact studies so the path we take does not interfere with the delicate balance of our shoreline.